Our ServicesOverview
We advise US individuals and families in organizing their US and UK tax affairs - whether that is in terms of planning as they move to/from the US to the UK or vice versa, changing jobs or setting up their own businesses here in the UK, getting married or other changes in marital status - especially to non-US citizens, buying or selling homes or other property, or bringing their tax affairs up to date, including circumstances where US taxes had not been filed in past years. We also advise on the tax implications of investing in the UK or US - and avoiding certain pitfalls - especially in investing in PFICs. We also advise on cross-border tax issues related to US businesses looking to establish an office here in the UK or UK businesses looking to expand into the US market. Our Approach & Philosophy We don't scare-monger. Taxes are a serious affair, but one that is manageable, increasingly more so, as the IRS continues to expand and update filing options to encourage without harshly penalizing those who wish to put their tax affairs in good order. We don't offer aggressive tax avoidance planning. We take a conservative approach, but weigh in with our expertise, to find tax solutions and strategies that best serve the needs and interest of our clients, that ensure long-term peace of mind and security in knowing that their tax affairs are in good standing order. Our fees are reasonable. We made a conscious decision to position ourselves as a boutique firm, one that focuses on offering expertise in US/UK tax affairs, without charging exorbitant fees, as we believe that there is a need in the market for affordable tax services for Americans living in the UK. US & UK Tax Filing We are one of only a handful of small US/UK tax preparation firms, that offers both US and UK tax preparation services, as well e-filing for those eligible - saving you the time, expense, and inconvenience of dealing with multiple advisers, who may or may not be fully knowledgeable about the tax implications of one on the other and vice versa. FBAR Filing We can prepare your FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts), a separate mandatory financial informational filing to the US Treasury, for those whose foreign financial accounts exceeded the minimum $10,000 threshold at any time during the tax year. Streamlined Filing For Americans Living Abroad We specialise in helping Americans who did not know that they had to file US taxes, and having realized it, wish to bring their US tax affairs up to date through the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures. The recent introduction of FACTA, US legislation requiring foreign banks to report on the foreign assets of Americans, has made many unsuspecting Americans living outside of the U.S., aware of their need to continue or start filing US taxes, including those Americans who may have never lived in the U.S. or moved abroad as a child. Equalisation Agreements If you are an employee and your employer has an equalisation policy, are you sure that it has been correctly and fairly calculated? We can review the equalisation agreement and ensure that all of the assumptions are reasonable and have been correctly calculated. We can highlight any questionable assumptions and provide you with key negotiating points to guide you in discussions with your employer to help you arrive at an agreement that is favourable to your situation. Setting Up Your Own Business More and more people are setting up their own businesses - especially in consulting here in the UK - either as self-employed or working through a limited company. However, there are some common mistakes that people make, that can cost them in terms of expensive tax, accounting and administrative bills later on, especially in regards to the US taxes. It is therefore, well worth investing in good tax advice before you start. If you already have a business, it is still worthwhile reviewing the organizational structure and entity of your business from a tax perspective, with a view towards identifying ways of optimizing your business tax position. Tax Advice At times, clients would like to discuss in more detail, their individual and/or business tax circumstances and specific issues thereof. This can be done by phone or in person. We are based in London and can make arrangements at your convenience. Fees We generally charge a fixed fee for preparing tax returns. Fees depend upon the complexity and number of forms and schedules required. Fees for a reasonably straight forward US Federal tax return generally start at £400 + VAT per annum. Fees for a reasonably straight forward UK tax return generally start at £250 + VAT. Please contact us at: 020 3174 0640 or at [email protected] |